The Behavioral Data Company

Are you aware of the economic impact of human behavior in your company?
We are and we give you the tools to predict it

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Con la confianza y de los mejores equipos del mundo
How does it work?
Individual diagnosis
Everything starts with the person and from that person we obtain the information from which the algorithm infers the results.
Calculation engines
Our proprietary algorithm, optimized with AI systems, extracts a detailed view of the state of the organization.
Display Screen and ATLAS
It enables the consumption of data generated by the engines in a clear and straightforward manner. The ATLAS inventories all possible organizational interferences and proposes simple, actionable solutions for each of them.
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What makes Dathum different?
It does not ask; it calculates
It is an ethical and minimally invasive solution
Scientific approach to people management
Dynamic management and measurement system over time
It monetizes the impact of people in organizations
It speaks the language of the business and gives it leverage
Our vision
Geared to organizations
Organizations need to understand how the preferences of their professionals define their actual culture. Expectations and reality explained in a different manner.
Focused on people
Until now, people have been just another resource within organizations. We are experiencing a change of trend; people are now the key to understanding and building organizations.
With a scientific basis
We do not aggregate answers, we induce knowledge from sophisticated mathematical models that explain different scientific frameworks to avoid biases and build layers of advanced analytics that provide rigor to the only “element” for which we had no data of value: people.
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