About us
Technology, Mathematics, Finance, Business Development... But above all: PEOPLE, it is the DNA that shapes Dathum. We have been researching for over 15 years in order to build an algorithm to help us understand the impact of human behavior in all types of professional contexts, cultures and geographies.
Our Values
We are a multidisciplinary team. We hail from very different backgrounds but converge in a shared passion: helping all types of organizations and individuals to transform professional environments into humanly sustainable places.
Ethics and Service:
We know that what we do can change the lives of organizations and the people who work within them. We help companies to become humanly sustainable.
Flexibility and Rigor
We are committed to objectivity and only use models and conclusions that have been tested. Conjectures allow us to formulate hypotheses, but we seek empirical confirmation for all of them.
Innovation and Continuous Improvement
Innovation is part of our DNA. We like nothing better than to learn, share and build on the basis of dialog and critical analysis.
Join the Team
We are constantly looking for talent to grow our team.
If you like technology and people, want to work in an absolutely flexible environment where you can find creative solutions to complex problems, then Dathum is definitely the place for you. Leave your CV here.
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